A gathering of swatches and a failure

Hola! I've not got round to doing much for the last few weeks, mainly just some swatches. Therefore I have decided to do a combination post of these!

I lied about this one; it's a photo from last October which I've just never got round to posting, collecting dust on my memory card. This is OPI My Dogsled is a Hybrid topped with one coat of Essie Shine of the Times, and I love it! It's very mermaid-y and just yeah, great!

This is one coat of Essie Style Cartel, just one as I was rushing out the door but to be honest it still looks good, just would've prefered two! Otherwise it's a lovely darker blue!

This is one coat of Femme Fatale Cosmetics In His House He Waits Dreaming (which is gorgeous!) over China Glaze Call of the Wild. I wish I hadn't layered it, it still looks nice, just not as nice as by itself in some way. I was in a pissy mood at the time of painting leading to me doing this (don't ask why). The layering brings out the green shimmer more, which is fine, but I would've preferred to see the more brown base.

Here is two coats of ILNP Phoenix over black. I've wanted an ILNP duochrome flakie for AGES, and when they went on to Rainbow Collection I grabbed on, but only one as I'm trying not to buy as much nail varnish! But still it is gorgeous and I really love it, and I really want more, and this sentence could go on forever but I'll stop. Phoenix shifts from a purple-y colour, to pink, to a gold-y orange. Very nice, very nice I say.

And last but not least is some failed nail art. Well actually it's the only nail that went right, hence the photo. I didn't leave the other nails to dry enough as I didn't have a lot of time, and you could tell. I just had an idea of this design in my head and so wanted to try despite the limited time frame. I started off with the white and did the usual splatter technique using Essie Mesmerised (bad idea; I love love love the colour and did use a latex barrier thing, but it went past it and stained my fingers blue...), and then painted it half black with help from some striping tape. Just mind the slight tip wear, this is after a couple of days wear.

But anyway, what do you think? Do you like the swatches, and do you have many nail fails? Hopefully I'll get round to some more nail art soon!
